TSH - 152 - Spring Beekeeping Continued - Michael Jordan
Published by: DREW SAMPLE on 05-04-2017
Michael Jordan is an award winning mead maker, master beekeeper and owner and operator of A Bee Friendly Company Michael Jordan.
So lets talk about spring beekeeping.
I) site set up is done
1) laws and are are bees for me?
2) Site set up Episode 2 - Michael Jordan - Apiary Setup
A hive stands
B Hive
C Feed
D Water
E site logistics
Install bees in the hives and feed them
Set up swarm traps.
Check bees 9-11 days till honey flow
Set up honey flow
Flow hive.
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Keywords: Flow Hive, Spring Beekeeping, Honey Hunting, Honey Flow, Swarm Management
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